
Type: Posts; User: fireworker

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  1. Re: Unintelligible file names after clone/migration

    The files are stored in a backup.

    These are backup files, something like an archive divided into parts. From this backup you can restore what you saved (disk, partition, files) to the same...
  2. Re: SSD partitioned with PPMCE17 Never Again Recognized by a Linux Machine

    You said in the message that the SSD isn't recognized by Debian... after it is formatted by PPMCE 17
    And before that, it is recognized normally, even data are copied smoothly and successfully.
  3. Re: I recovered 232G from my external hard disk data but how to use them it's not fil

    I installed PBR 17.9.3 but it crashes when I try to open the backup on my Win11. Try it for yourself: go to the "Restore from file" tab, use operation "Restore" or "Explore and export".
  4. Re: SSD partitioned with PPMCE17 Never Again Recognized by a Linux Machine

    there may be incompatible Ext4 versions? Why you don't partitioning the SSD in Debian using for example GParted?
  5. Re: I recovered 232G from my external hard disk data but how to use them it's not fil

    The files in the screenshot are Paragon backup files. Like an archive divided into many parts. Only Paragon works with them. What version of the "Paragon tools" do you have?
  6. Re: Can’t restore from backup made with previous(?) version

    Download HDM15ProSP5. It doesn't require a key and works in Win11.
  7. Replies

    Re: Latest version number please

    I have 17.20.11. Where can I download 17.20.17?
    I can't update :mad:
  8. Re: Paragon B&R 17 Free Fehlermeldung bei Restore Keine gültige Archivdatei

    Я, я, я натюрлих, данке шён, юнге фрау. А впридачу порекомендую DiskGenius, он почти как Парагон древний. А честно если - надеюсь ещё что Парагон возродится
  9. Replies

    Re: Крашится Paragon HDM 17 Advanced

    Здравствуйте. Поддержка, когда пропьётся - логи у вас попросит, так что сразу можете им отправить
  10. Replies

    Re: Нотификация архивов

    Нет так нет. Пишите в Лигу Сексуальных Реформ. Или в Парагон Саппорт (что однохуйственно)
  11. Replies

    Re: Нотификация архивов

    Вроде бы есть.

  12. Re: Is there a way to back up an external hardrive connected to router?

    If a computer can write to this disk, then Paragon can too.
  13. Re: Backup von raid0 stripeset auf normales Volume einspielen??

    I did it. No problem. (but, let me remind, HDM15, or maybe 16, I think 12 would handle it]
  14. Replies

    Re: Where are the log files of the backup ?

    Perhaps somewhere in the %ProgramData% folder.
  15. Re: HDM17 delete partition on USB stick failed

    Maybe the flash drive is broken. Can you delete this partition in the disk manager snap-in?
  16. Replies

    Re: what is latest version?

    Mr. Joey thanks for the hint.
    This Paragonbox previously had only ParagonCloud app.
  17. Replies

    Re: what is latest version?

    Nick, my soul is filled with despair. I also love Paragon for a long time. But when I sober up, I will speak out publicly, in this forum.
  18. Replies

    Re: what is latest version?

    Hi aoz987 and happy new year!
    Latest version of what? If HDM then 17. In my paragon account HDM17Adv have build
    (Of course, there are several versions newer, someone from the...
  19. Replies

    Re: Can't import existing backup

    Maybe HDM 17 LE 17.10.2 can handle it. (I did not check)
  20. Re: Paragon Hard Disk Manage 17 Advanced pre-sale questions.

    PHDM can do almost everything that ATI + ADD can do(and even more). But, IMHO, PHDM is less intuitive.
    I don't trust the "portable versions" in such an important matter. Typically, backup programs...
  21. Re: можно ли восстановить ланные на hdd

    Здравствуйте. У Парагона нет таких инструментов (удаленный том может восстановить, в некоторых случаях, а файлы нет).
    Гуглите "программы для восстановления файлов"
  22. Re: Paragon Hard Disk Manage 17 Advanced pre-sale questions.

    Staff are reptiloids, they are not afraid of the coronavirus.
  23. Re: How to create image of boot drive w/o destroying data on destination drive

    Creating a backup does not threaten existing data on the (external) drive. Just will be added a few files in a new folder. If there would be enough space for the this files.
    Backup = image =...
  24. Re: How to create image of boot drive w/o destroying data on destination drive

    You need not "Copy volume" or "Copy Operating System" (on the "Disks & volumes" tab), but create a backup - "Backup source" - "Disk/Volumes" - your C: (on the "Backup & recovery" tab).
  25. Replies

    Re: program crashes a few seconds after start
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